Αντιγράφω από το βιβλίο του Διομήδη Σπινέλλη "Code reading", εκδόσεις Addison-Wesley, 2003:
…To understand complicated algorithms or subtle data structures, select a peaceful and quiet environment and concentrate deeply without drawing any help from computerized ot mechanical aids. Dijkstra detailed in a lecture how people asked to reason about the derivation of a particular synchronization algorithm would invariably become confused the moment they grabbed a pencil or pen. Interruption can be similarly distractive. Psychologists use the term flow to describe the condition of deep, nearly meditative involvement with a particular task, a condition often associated with an euphoric state of mind and obliviousness to the passage of time. This is the state you want to be in when examining complicated code. Unfortunately, you may need as many as 15 minutes to reach that state, and any interruption (telephone ring, arrival of new e-mail, a colleague asking for help) will bring you back to square one. Therefore, create an environment and work habits that let you work without interruptions when needed.
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